
Mail us: karunyadeepamalpy@gmail.com    Call Us: +91 9847791717, +91 9995604413

Mental Care Centre

Mental illness in recent times is an increasing phenomena. There are lots of unhealthy and undesirable treatment Practices still prevailing in our country. Often they are subject to cruelty of being beaten up, tied up in chains, or otherwise locked in tiny rooms. Some time their family members abandon them causing them to be a public nuisance.One of the most heart-rending sights on our streets: the mentally-ill roadside destitute, living off the streets but the society doesn't come forward to help them. Various superstitious beliefs are attached to mental illness Patients have no where to go to and thus need a helping hand (therapeutic treatment) that will restore them back in their normal life.

Oldage care centre

Due to modernization and industrialization the traditional bond relationship between family member are disintegrating. There are many elderly people not cared for and cast out of their houses. They end up in despair and agony. Who knows tomorrow we will not be victim of such situation. Karunyadeepam is actively planning to open up a large wing to cater to this kind of situation. For its fulfillment we appeal for your wholehearted support.

Centre for physically challenged

Physically challenged people, by birth or due to polio or sickness or due to accidents are looked after and cared for here with the limited resources. Wheel chairs, crutches, calipers etc. are provided. With the loving care they get here they renew their energy and hope. The physically handicapped should receive love, care, acceptance and respect through physical, mental and psychological rehabilitation. Their family members and society neglect many of these people. They are helpless, homeless, sick and abandoned. But they are human beings, created in the image and likeness of God, like you and me! They deserve a life with dignity.

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